Contact : sophie.lestavel@univ-lille.fr

Students wishing to complete their Master's degree in the U1011 have the possibility of joining « Graduate programme : Precision health» ,a research training of excellence, offering theoretical teaching in English, international mobility, interdisciplinarity, an opening towards the business world and a sustained support of the students


Contact : anne.tailleux[chez]univ-lille[point]fr

Master M1

Master Biology-Health M1 :

For students in the scientific stream, the terms and conditions, recruitment, teaching content and general organisation of the Master 1 Biology-Health are available on the website  http://master-biologie-sante.univ-lille.fr/

For students in the health field (medicine, pharmacy, midwifery and odontology), the terms and conditions, recruitment, teaching content and general organisation of the Master 1 Biology-Health are available on the website http://medecine.univ-lille2.fr/master_bs1/.


Master M2

Master Biology-HealthM2 –

The terms and conditions, recruitment, teaching content and general organisation of the Master 2 Biology-Health are available on the website master-biologie-sante.univ-lille.fr/accueil/2015-2016/

In the Master Biology-Health M2, the thematic course "Diabetes, obesity and cardiovascular diseases" aims to ensure the transmission of current knowledge on diabetes, obesity, associated metabolic pathologies and cardiovascular pathologies by promoting interdisciplinarity and scientific strategies leading from basic research to clinical applications. The teaching is based on the key themes developed in the university's research structures which are experts in the field (including those of the EGID (European Genomic Institute for Diabetes), the University of Geneva and the University of Geneva). http://www.egid.fr), and the FHU INTEGRA (Integrated health care for diabetes and cardiovascular disease). Teaching is provided by teacher-researchers, researchers and research engineers from the various units, as well as by external contributors.

The course is open after selection to scientific students, doctors, pharmacists and engineers wishing to learn about and improve their research in the fields of diabetes, obesity and cardiovascular diseases.

The Master 2 Biology-Health is attached to the Lille Biology-Health Doctoral School (http://edbsl.univ-lille2.fr ).


Each student enrolled in the "Diabetes, Obesity and Cardiovascular Diseases" thematic course will follow the following 3 theoretical courses:

- Non-disciplinary transversal course (supervisors: Kathy Dujardin, Fabrice Allain)

The objective is to enable students to acquire a set of prerequisites that are essential for understanding the content of the disciplinary courses and to facilitate their integration into the laboratory. Methodological, ethical, regulatory and economic research issues are addressed. Students are also made aware of the precautions surrounding animal experimentation and are informed of the possibilities of acquiring specific training. This teaching is given in the form of lectures (12 hours) and tutorials (4 hours). Details of the courses are available on the website http://master-biologie-sante.univ-lille.fr/accueil/ue-transversale/. Knowledge is assessed in the form of continuous assessment and is worth 4 ECTS.

- Fundamental discipline UE (Leaders: Philippe Delannoy, Kathy Dujardin)

The objective is to provide a base of knowledge that will enable the more specialised courses of the thematic subject EU to be tackled. The teaching is provided by research professors and researchers from the laboratories associated with the course in the form of theme days dealing with issues that cut across the various courses of the thematic subject unit. Each theme day corresponds to 6 hours of classes and the student must select at least five of the 28 theme days offered. Participation in each of these days requires significant prior personal work. Knowledge is assessed in the form of continuous assessment and is worth 6 ECTS. Details of the theme days are available on the website http://master-biologie-sante.univ-lille.fr/accueil/ue-disciplinaire fondamentale/#c148.

For students following the "Diabetes, obesity and cardiovascular diseases" thematic pathway, les journées thématiques suivantes sont particulièrement recommandées

- Thematic subject EU

L’objectif est de permettre aux étudiants d’approfondir leurs connaissances sur la thématique spécialisée en lien avec le thème de leur travail de recherche. Les enseignements sont dispensés par les enseignants chercheurs et les chercheurs des laboratoires associés à la formation sous forme de séminaires de 2 journées abordant des questions spécifiques. La participation à chacun de ces séminaires nécessite un travail personnel préalable. Les connaissances sont évaluées sous forme d’un contrôle continu et valident 10 ECTS.


The student carries out a research training course in the laboratory, from September to December, alternating with the theoretical courses, then full-time from January to June. This research work leads to the writing of a dissertation (30 pages) and an oral presentation before a jury (40 ECTS).

In addition to the practical training, during this internship the student will have the opportunity to benefit from the scientific animation of the 1011 (weekly laboratory meetings in English, annual EGID Think-Tank, regular conferences by experts).